The course's goal is to introduce the fundamental concepts that underpin device operation and construction. Students will develop a grasp of the functioning of the pn junction diode and transistors, as well as its properties, such as I-V characteristics, as well as basic semiconductor properties crucial to device operation and fabrication.

This course emphasizes the importance of practicing computer engineers' professional and ethical responsibilities, as well as the impact of their work on society; the importance of understanding current issues, lifelong learning strategies, and applicable IT laws in the field of computer engineering.

Using a technological or engineering background, the course should be structured to investigate the entrepreneurial attitude and culture. This should be compatible with the objectives of starting a business or participating in an entrepreneurial or R&D endeavor in businesses of all sizes and industries. As a result, this should be useful in the training of future scientists and engineers to participate in R&D activities.

Methods of data collection and analysis are referred to as research methods. Surveys, experiments, interviews, and observations are all common procedures.

This course aims to provide participants with the fundamental knowledge and skills needed to detect safety, health, and environmental concerns, as well as establish and administer OSH policies and programs.

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming model that organizes software design around data, rather than functions and logic. An object is a data field that has distinct attributes and behavior.

A numerical method is a mathematical tool used to solve numerical problems in numerical analysis. A numerical algorithm is a programming language implementation of a numerical method with an appropriate convergence check.